Good morning

After reading your interesting advices, I've decided to start my path through LaTeX. I have been some hours trying to start, with little result, but I hope that once established a *workflow* the results will come and the new invested time will be directed just to get better and better results.

My doubts:

   a. As first step for my workflow, it seems convenient to use a
   "template" with the LaTeX preambles. So maybe the many existing
   LaTeX templates can be used quickly with orgmode. I found several
   options and opinions. Which one is the best way?

    1.   #+SETUPFILE: template.setup -> doesn't seem the ideal way,
       because the template.setup file must be modified adding
       #+latex_class to each of the lines.
    2.   template.tex -> this could be added to the SETUPFILE:
       #+LATEX_HEADER: \input{template.tex}. But it seems to have no
       effect on the PDF output. BTW, I can't use emacs HOME path (~/)
       in the input header, like \input{~//export//template.tex}. This
       is my template.tex file content:
       \rhead{Student Name: Name\\
       Student ID: 1234\\
       Course: IDB 601 (Fall 2020)}
    3. Another friend told me that .sty templates were the best way.
    4. I see some people that create customized LaTeX classes and add
       the desired class to the orgmode buffer.
    5. Also we can see this intricate transformation of a LaTeX
       template into orgmode. How to Migrate LaTeX Template into
    6. ...

   b. I think that in a good integration, every character shown on
   orgmode should be exported into the PDF output. For example "CENTRE
        How can this integration be done?

   I have more doubts, but I will keep reading and trying to solve them

   Best regards

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