On Tue, Apr 27, 2021 at 7:44 AM Denis Maier <denisma...@mailbox.org> wrote:

> Regarding simpler ways, why not just:
> "A simple quote." [cite: @doe p. 45]

No, that's worse ;-)

Let's review basic requirements:

1. a plain text document really should be readable and its semantics clear
2. a user should be able to write their documents, and use different
output styles, without modifying that source document

Your example fails on 1 because it suggests the citation attaches to
(starts) the following sentence.

2 is hard given the details we've laid out, but if whatever solution
works for the majority of cases, and at worst requires the user either
a) to be aware of how the processing works and adjust accordingly+,
and/or b) to edit the final document a bit, that seems a reasonable


+ a lot of the corner cases in citations come from a mismatch between
the need for a certain regularity and rigor required for
machine--processing, and users' desire for complete flexibility.

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