Appreciate the help and encouragement. This pinning business ... seems like
musical chairs with different suggestions here and there. Should I use this
or maybe this
one, or...? And where is the maintained list of packages? I see
.../elpa/archives/ but don't see anything else. Sorry to be a help vampire,
but I've never gotten past "casual Emacs user" status and don't think I
ever will with my hectic schedule.

On Wed, Oct 13, 2021 at 4:55 AM Greg Minshall <> wrote:

> > The install instructions on the main org page were not very clear, to
> > say the least.
> yes, that does sound messy.  sorry your experience was so unfortunate.
> i guess one question for the list: is there a general solution to the
> "20200912" > "9.5" issue?  or, "now" that we are only distributing via
> [git repository and] gnu elpa, will that issue disappear?  does this
> new-fangled concept of "semantic versioning" come into play here?
> possibly in the info pages we could have a section on
> "re-installing/upgrading", to help people navigate this process.  (once
> we, ourselves, have a map.)
> cheers, Greg

Lawrence Bottorff
Grand Marais, MN, USA

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