On Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 7:03 AM Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Aaron Jensen <aaronjen...@gmail.com> writes:
> > Here's another on c47b535bb:
> >
> > https://gist.github.com/aaronjensen/348d879f79099c0d9b660bad199f25af
> >
> > I don't recall what I was doing at the time, it was during a meeting.
> I do not see anything meaningful in the backtrace, except that "Current
> command: nil" is probably related to some third-party package. If there
> is nothing obvious in your config that may be responsible, you can set
> org-element--cache-diagnostics-modifications to nil to suppress the
> warning.
> Best,
> Ihor

Ok, I've disabled it for now.

I'm seeing another issue and I don't know if it is related. When I
save an org-capture my emacs spins for a long time. I C-g w/
toggle-debug-on-quit and got this:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (quit)
  org-element--parse-generic-emphasis("/" italic)
  org-element--object-lex((bold citation code entity export-snippet
footnote-reference inline-babel-call inline-src-block italic
line-break latex-fragment link macro radio-target statistics-cookie
strike-through subscript superscript target timestamp underline
  org-element--parse-objects(532 1586811 (paragraph (:begin 532 :end
1586811 :contents-begin 532 :contents-end 1586811 :post-blank 0
:post-affiliated 532 :mode nil :granularity nil :parent nil)) (bold
citation code entity export-snippet footnote-reference
inline-babel-call inline-src-block italic line-break latex-fragment
link macro radio-target statistics-cookie strike-through subscript
superscript target timestamp underline verbatim))
  org-element--parse-elements(508 1586811 planning nil nil nil
(section (:begin 508 :end 1586812 :contents-begin 508 :contents-end
1586811 :robust-begin 508 :robust-end 1586809 :post-blank 1
:post-affiliated 508 :mode section :granularity nil :parent nil)))
  org-element--parse-elements(508 1586811 section nil nil nil
(headline (:raw-value "Report org" :begin 490 :end 1586812 :pre-blank
0 :contents-begin 508 :contents-end 1586811 :robust-begin 510
:robust-end 1586809 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword
#("TODO" 0 4 (wrap-prefix #("* " 0 2 (face org-indent)) line-prefix ""
fontified nil)) :todo-type todo :post-blank 1 :footnote-section-p nil
:archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 490 :title (#("Report
org" 0 10 (:parent #7))) :mode nil :granularity nil :parent nil)))
  org-element--parse-elements(1 1587283 first-section nil nil nil
(org-data (:begin 1 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 1587283 :end
1587283 :robust-begin 67 :robust-end 1587281 :post-blank 0
:post-affiliated 1 :path "/Users/path..." :mode org-data :ID
"AB94746D-500B-49F3-9E4F-067D2B7E3976" :CATEGORY "Refile")))
  funcall-interactively(org-capture-finalize nil)

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