Aaron Jensen <aaronjen...@gmail.com> writes:

> I'm seeing another issue and I don't know if it is related. When I
> save an org-capture my emacs spins for a long time. I C-g w/
> toggle-debug-on-quit and got this:
> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (quit)
>   org-element--parse-generic-emphasis("/" italic)
>   org-element-italic-parser()
>   org-element--object-lex...
>   org-element--parse-objects...
>   org-element-parse-buffer()

org-element--parse-generic-emphasis has been introduced in very recent
commits. However, I haven't seen issues with this new function.

I tried to run org-element-parse-buffer from a capture buffer. It works
just fine for me.

It would be helpful if you provide a repro.
Also, you can try to debug-on-entry org-element-parse-buffer and check
where exactly the hang happens by stepping through the debugger.


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