Nicolas Goaziou <> writes:
> I like the idea, thank you for suggesting it.

Great :D

>>    #+TEXINFO_DEFFN: t
> The chosen UI is rather odd however. I cannot think of another use of
> controlling export thhough "#+keyword: boolean" syntax. Usually, we
> extend the "options" keyword. It could become, for example:
>   #+options: texinfo+:t
> Could it be possible to use that syntax instead?

Of course.  I probably used the separate keyword because all the entries
for ox-texinfo's :options-alist did that too, but if that's not how this
is usually done for booleans, then I see no reason not to change it.

>> It is possible to mix the two styles; you can use the ox-texinfo+.el
>> style for most or all definitions but use the additional flexibility of
>> ox-texinfo.el, when that is needed.
> How is it possible? Keywords are global. How do you change value
> locally?

Well... it turned out not to be true, but I should be able to get it to
work.  The idea is that the new shorthand handling is only used if such
a shorthand is actually used by the item that is being processed.  All
other list items should effectively be treated as before, but that isn't
the case yet.  For now all non-shorthand list items are simply treated
as @item, but `org-texinfo+-item' could be changed to instead fall back
to the `org-texinfo-item's default behavior in those cases.  (It would
still have to check whether it needs to begin and/or end the "item
container" (itemize/table/...), so it is not completely trivial, but
should be doable.)

For testing purposes I have moved the relevant `ox-texinfo+.el' code
into `ox-texinfo.el', changing only how the feature has to be enabled,
and everything that worked before continues to work.  If the feature is
enabled, then my manuals are exported the same as before and with the
feature disabled also results in the same texi file as

So I have to address the above issue and then we also have to think
about naming.  I was thinking about using the term "shorthands"; instead
of "texinfo-deffn:t" we could use "texinfo-shorthands:t".  The functions
need to be renamed too of course, but IMO simply replacing "ox-texinfo+"
with "ox-texinfo-shorthand" is quite ugly.  Do you have a suggestion for
that?  All the new functions could be placed in the "Item" section.


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