
Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@gmail.com> writes:

> Commit messages are also important, especially years later. I updated
> the commit message in the attached new version of the patch.

Note I'm not saying commit messages are not important. I just won't
spend energy on the wording there.

>> Thinking about it a bit more, you might be right: we may slightly change
>> the closing part of the emphasis regexp, e.g.:
>>   (seq
>>    (not space)
>>    (group ,mark)
>>    (or (any space ?- ?')
>>        (and (any ?. ?, ?\; ?: ?! ?? ?\" ?\) ?\} ?\\ ?\[) (or space line-end))
>>        line-end))
>> The logic behind this is that in regular text, we assume usual
>> punctuation rules apply.
> This will fail for "*Bold*?!" or "/Italics/!!!"

Of course. Any regexp will fail somehow.

> Also, is there any reason why we are not simply using punctuation
> character class instead of listing punctuation chars explicitly (and
> only for English)? What about "_你叫什么名字_?"
> Maybe just
> (seq
>  (not space)
>  (group ,mark)
>  (0+ (in punctuation))
>  (or space line-end))

Historically, Org only focused on ASCII. But it makes sense to extend
the allowed punctuation characters, indeed.

This is orthogonal to OP's issue, however.

>> My concern is that the more complicated is the rule, the more difficult
>> it is to predict. Also, we introduce new corner case, e.g.,
>>   Woot! I just released Org *10*.0!
>> So, I'm not totally convinced it is worth the trouble.
> I am not sure if "Org *10*.0" is a good general example. It is probably
> one of those cases when users want fine control over emphasis and must
> use zero width space.

This is simply the first example that crossed my mind. My point is that
changing the regexp substantially may not be rewarding, ultimately.

> +Sometimes, when marked text also contains the marker character itself,
> +the result may be unsettling.  For example,
> +
> +#+begin_example
> +/One may expect this whole sentence to be italicized, but the
> +following ~user/?variable~ contains =/= character, which effectively
> +stops emphasis there./
> +#+end_example
> +
> +You can use zero width space to help Org sorting out the ambiguity.
> +See [[*Escape Character]] for more details.


Nicolas Goaziou

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