On 21/12/2021 19:48, Marco Wahl wrote:

 From my point of view using singuar targets for org.texi and
orgguide.texi is the clearest path to go.

It matter of taste. I do not like code duplication.

I already committed a fix along these lines.  (Hopefully it's okay.)

Thank you for the fix.

Please let me know if I missed something.

I do not see any really serious issues. However there are room for improvements

%:              %.texi org-version.inc
        $(MAKEINFO) --no-split $< -o $@.info

likely should be

%.info:         %.texi org-version.inc
        $(MAKEINFO) --no-split $< -o $@

Org files have

#+setupfile: doc-setup.org

but there is no dependency on doc-setup.org in the Makefile

I would prefer to see names of output files specified in the Makefile rather than in org files:

#+export_file_name: orgguide.texi

Ideally it should be a function with input org file and output texi file names as arguments. Currently it is a bit puzzling while reading the Makefile and .el, it is unclear why name of output files are different.

Since nobody complained before, such issues are not urgent.

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