>>> "IR" == Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@gmail.com> writes:

> Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> writes:
>> Here is one of the templates
>> ("mt" "Tutorias Headings"
>> entry (file+headline "~/ALLES/HGs/tex/vorlesungen/Tutorias/tutorias.org" 
>> "Tutorials")
>> "* TODO %^{Task} %T : %:from %:subject %^G\n- From :: %:from\n- Subject :: 
>> %:subject\n- Date :: %:date\n- Email :: %a\n\n%?\n%i")
>> So I in my gnus message 
>> 1. I fire up org-capture
>> 2. I am asked to the Task, I type but then Emacs hangs, and I have
>> to abort the operation. That did not happen with git master
>> 1f78ca45f8d534e51c1e30e9225d1da8b2e50650

> Could you please provide detailed steps how to reproduce starting from
> emacs -Q?

My apologies, I downgraded both Emacs and org and the problem still
persists, so either it is a package I installed in the meantime or some
change in my settings.

I try to debug this and report back


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