Max Nikulin <> writes:

>> +      (defmacro org-encode-time (&rest time)
>> +        (pcase (length time) ; Emacs-29 since d75e2c12eb
>> +          (1 `(encode-time ,@time))
>> +          ((or 6 9) `(encode-time (list ,@time)))
>> +          (_ (error "`org-encode-time' may be called with 1, 6, or 9 
>> arguments but %d given"
>> +                    (length time)))))
> Should it be something like the following?
> (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list '(1 6 9) (length time)))
> or even
> (signal 'wrong-type-argument
>           (list '(lambda (n-args) (memq n-args) '(1 6 9)) (length time)))
> Usually "wrong type argument" errors give no clue even related to called 
> function til enabling enter debugger on error and realizing how to 
> reproduce the problem.

The current error is fine. I'd rather propose Emacs to change the "wrong
type argument" message to mention the function name.

>> +              ;; In Emacs-27 and Emacs-28 `encode-time' does not support 6 
>> elements
>> +              ;; list argument so `org-encode-time' can not be outside of 
>> `pcase'.
>> +              (pcase-let
>> +                  ((`(,_ ,_ ,_ ,d ,m ,y ,dow . ,_) (decode-time start)))
>> +                (pcase step
>> +                  (`day (org-encode-time 0 0 org-extend-today-until (1+ d) 
>> m y))
>> +                  (`week
>> +                   (let ((offset (if (= dow week-start) 7
>> +                                   (mod (- week-start dow) 7))))
>> +                     (org-encode-time 0 0 org-extend-today-until (+ d 
>> offset) m y)))
>> +                  (`semimonth (org-encode-time 0 0 0
>> +                                               (if (< d 16) 16 1)
>> +                                               (if (< d 16) m (1+ m)) y))
>> +                  (`month (org-encode-time 0 0 0 month-start (1+ m) y))
>> +                  (`year (org-encode-time 0 0 org-extend-today-until 1 1 
>> (1+ y))))))
> I do not like repeating of `org-encode-time' but do not see another way 
> till Emacs-29 will become the lowest supported version.

This is fine. AFAIK, other parts of time handling code is full of conds
and pcases.

>> +        (org-encode-time
>> +             (apply #'list
>> +                    (or (car time0) 0)
>> +                    (+ (if (eq timestamp? 'minute) n 0) (nth 1 time0))
>> +                    (+ (if (eq timestamp? 'hour) n 0)   (nth 2 time0))
>> +                    (+ (if (eq timestamp? 'day) n 0)    (nth 3 time0))
>> +                    (+ (if (eq timestamp? 'month) n 0)  (nth 4 time0))
>> +                    (+ (if (eq timestamp? 'year) n 0)   (nth 5 time0))
>> +                    (nthcdr 6 time0))))
>>        (when (and (memq timestamp? '(hour minute))
>>               extra
>>               (string-match "-\\([012][0-9]\\):\\([0-5][0-9]\\)" extra))
> I am tempting to write something like
>    (let* ((ts (copy-sequence time0))
>        (ord (memq timestamp? '(year month day hour minute)))
>        (field (and ord (nthcdr (length ord) ts))))
>      (when field
>        (setcar field (+ (car field) n)))
>      (org-encode-time ts))
> but I am afraid it will make the code rather obscure.

Yes, the second version is rather hard to understand. The proper
solution would be writing (or using) some high-level time handling
library and then using it in Org. Then, we would not need to deal with
low-level time representations so frequently.

>> +  (org-encode-time
>> +   (append '(0)
>> +           (mapcar
>> +            (lambda (prop) (or (org-element-property prop timestamp) 0))
>> +            (if end '(:minute-end :hour-end :day-end :month-end :year-end)
>> +              '(:minute-start :hour-start :day-start :month-start
>> +                              :year-start)))
>> +           '(nil -1 nil))))
>>  (defun org-timestamp-has-time-p (timestamp)
>>    "Non-nil when TIMESTAMP has a time specified."
> Hardly may be considered as an example of elegant code.

It is ok. You also could do it as

`(0 ,@(mapcar (lambda (prop) ...) (if ...)) nil -1 nil)

AFAIK, there is nothing much you can improve further without using
function composition from dash.el.


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