> GNU packages should not steer people towards running nonfree software.
> As a consequence, they should not suggest people donate using payment services
> that _require_ the donor to run a nonfree program.

A slight variant of Ihor's question.

While GNU packages should not steer people toward nonfree software,
I assume that there is nothing that prohibits GNU contributors from
accepting donations via non-free systems.

This thread suggests that it is no other option if devs also do not want
to steer people toward cryptocurrencies (which some consider to be as
ethically important as not steering people toward nonfree software).

My question is whether the website for a GNU package can include links
to the websites of individual developers with a note that you can provide
financial support to the project by supporting individuals. In the end the
user still winds up using nonfree JS, but is GNU living up to its principles
by virtue of the extra layer of indirection?

Given that https://www.fsf.org/about/ways-to-donate/ does include paypal
as an option, with a disclaimer, is a disclaimer not a sufficient solution for
GNU packages as well?

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