Tim Cross <theophil...@gmail.com> writes:

> Given that the FSF has a link to PayPal on their donations page , I
> think we can do the same for the org project. All that is required is
> that we do like the FSF does and put a bit of text beside it stating
> "Not recommended - requires nonfree Javascript".

> I also notice the FSF will also accept donations via credit card. There
> is no credit card processing service which is based on libre software,
> so the FSF is using non-free software to process those donations as
> well (I guess technically, they are not directly encouraging people use
> the non-free credit card processing service, but apparently it is OK for
> the FSF to use it to process those donations?).

There is an important difference here. FSF does provide a JS-free
donation option because it has a special agreement with payment services
to accept credit card payments without JS (according to RMS [1]).

[1] https://orgmode.org/list/e1noymk-0002tu...@fencepost.gnu.org

We do not have such an option for Org.

Also, note that Liberapay is better at least because they may add some
JS-free options in future and they did have free JS in the past that
unfortunately had some issues and had to be removed:

> We should also include a postal address where people could send in
> donations to provide an alternative for those who really don't want to
> use the non-free service (which doens't have to be paypal of course -
> any of them would likely be as good).

Then we need someone with stable postal address to handle such
donations. Also, what about privacy of the address?

Alternatively, we can just provide a contact email to discuss
alternative donation options in general (with postal being one of the

> I do notice that RMS says "should not" rather than "must not", which I
> think provides some 'wriggle room'. Provided we provide some way to
> donate without using non-free software and state that we do not
> recommend using service XXXX which uses non-free Javascript (they all
> seem to at some level) and provided we are prepared to switch to a libre
> solution if and when one becomes available (which I doubt it ever will),
> we are probably OK.

We would definitely prefer Libre solution if there were any.
I think that a real working option could be adding some explanation text
describing the FSF-compliance of the donations to
https://liberapay.com/org-mode page.


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