>   > Bank uses free software on their system?
> I suppose that would depend on the bank.  It's the bank's affair.
> If the bank's software is free, the bank enjoys freedom.
> Otherwise, the nonfree software denies the bank freedom.
> Either way, it has no effect on us.  We are not running that software,
> so it does not deny us our freedom.
> I would advise any bank to insist on free software, but if it doesn't
> listen, that is the bank's loss, not ours.  I feel sorry for the bank
> for this error, but that is not a reason to boycott it.
It is amusing that you talk of a bank as if it was a person. I don't know
what it even means when you say that a bank may or may not enjoy freedom.

More seriously, it is peculiar that you do not see anything problematic in
promoting businesses of entities who rely on non-free software for their
business. Are you, in turn, not promoting non-free software then? A part of
profit the bank makes by doing business with you is shared with companies
making non-free software.

>   > Or are we to merely shift to services where nonfree software runs on
>   > somebody else's computer?
> Who is morally responsible for running the nonfree software is the
> most important question, but you dismiss that as an insignificant
> detail.

I have done no such thing, and I don't see why you should ascribe
indifference to moral issues to me. That said, I could argue quite the
opposite: that by your argument, your moral responsibility seems to end at
what software runs on your computer. There is no moral responsibility for
anything else.

>   > Go to an internet kiosk and make the payment?
> That is a fune way way.  However, I usually mail a check instead.  It
> doesn't require me to run any nonfree software (it doesn't use
> software at all), and I can do it from home.

I find this absurd. You are welcome to do what you like, and to believe
that this is somehow morally superior.

I don't see this discussion leading to anything if it is only about
personal preferences and views.


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