[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider    ]]]
[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,     ]]]
[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]

  > "Note: To be PCI compliant, you must load Stripe.js directly from
  > https://js.stripe.com. You cannot include it in a bundle or host
  > it yourself. This package wraps the global Stripe function
  > provided by the Stripe.js script as an ES module."

That is hard for me to understand, since I don't know what "PCI
compliant" means (or who is expected to comply with "PCI" or why).
Also, what is a "ES module" and what are the implications of that?

I wonder if users could run the free version of that JS code
while talking with Stripe.

Dr Richard Stallman (https://stallman.org)
Chief GNUisance of the GNU Project (https://gnu.org)
Founder, Free Software Foundation (https://fsf.org)
Internet Hall-of-Famer (https://internethalloffame.org)

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