Hello.   The manual says:

     Org evaluates code in the following circumstances:

  _Source code blocks_
       Org evaluates source code blocks in an Org file during export.
       Org also evaluates a source code block with the ‘C-c C-c’ key

NB: each test below is performed with a new 'emacs -Q' session.  I
have: Org mode version 9.5.2 (release_9.5.2-25-gaf6f12 @

(test 1) I have an org file which only contains

   #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp 
   (message "foo")
   (setq my-var 'bar)

If I do 'C-c C-c', I am asked the following

   Evaluate this emacs-lisp code block on your system? (yes or no) 

If I answer 'yes', the following block

   : bar

is inserted below the source block; also I see, in the *Messages*

   executing Emacs-Lisp code block...
   Code block evaluation complete.

and if if 'C-h v' for 'my-var', it says

   my-var’s value is ‘bar’

So far so good.  (Well almost: why does '#+RESULTS:' show 'bar' and
not 'foo'?  After all, I'm just setting 'my-var', I'm not asking to
display its value.  But that's incidental.)

(test 2) Same org file.  If I do 'C-c C-e l o', no question is asked,
no '#+RESULTS:' block is inserted, and the resulting pdf file shows:

   (message "foo")
   (setq my-var ’bar)

The *Messages* buffer shows

   org-babel-exp process emacs-lisp at position 1...
   Saving file /home/cochard/tmp/scr.tex...
   Wrote /home/cochard/tmp/scr.tex
   Processing LaTeX file scr.tex...
   PDF file produced.
   Running /usr/bin/xdg-open /home/cochard/tmp/scr.pdf...done

and 'my-var' is not understood as a variable.

So I don't understand.  I can only conclude that the code is not
evaluated, which seems to me contradictory with "Org evaluates source
code blocks in an Org file during export".

(test 3) Same code, except that I change the 1st line to

   #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :exports results 

If I do 'C-c C-e l o', I am asked the same question as in test 1:

   Evaluate this emacs-lisp code block on your system? (yes or no) 

but even if I answer 'yes', no '#+RESULTS:' block is inserted. The
*Messages* buffer shows

   org-babel-exp process emacs-lisp at position 1...
   executing Emacs-Lisp code block...
   Code block evaluation complete.
   Saving file /home/cochard/tmp/scr.tex...
   Wrote /home/cochard/tmp/scr.tex
   Processing LaTeX file scr.tex...
   PDF file produced.

and the pdf file shows:



and my-var is defined.  So the code is evaluated this time, but I
don't really understand the whole process either...

For example, what should I do if I want the code to be evaluated, the
'#+RESUTS:' block to be inserted in the org file, but nothing to be
shown in the exported pdf? (i.e., neither the code nor its results)

Same question for code evaluation but nothing related to this code
inserted or exported.

I've tried using the ':eval' header argument but it never worked as I

Thank you for you help.

EOST (École et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre) 
ITE (Institut Terre & Environnement) | alain.coch...@unistra.fr
5 rue René Descartes   [bureau 106]  | Phone: +33 (0)3 68 85 50 44 
F-67084 Strasbourg Cedex, France     | [ slot available for rent ]

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