On Wednesday, 13 Jul 2022 at 23:06, alain.coch...@unistra.fr wrote:
> Now I start again, but I do 'C-c C-e l o' instead.  I am _not_ asked
> whether I want to evaluate, and the 'foo' file is still there.  But
> the pdf file does display
> rm -f foo
> Does this still qualify as "evaluation"?  I thought not, hence my
> conclusion that evaluation was not performed by default upon export,
> but you made me doubt it...

If you do not specify either ":exports results" or ":exports both", then
the exporter doesn't output the results and hence there is no need to
evaluate the src block.

The manual is indeed a bit vague about this so suggestions for
improvements are always welcome.

Eric S Fraga, @ericsfraga:matrix.org, GnuPG: 0xc89193d8fffcf67d

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