On 20/09/2022 12:41, Timothy wrote:
Hi Bastien,

The whole top banner has become a bit messy, IMO. I’ll have a go at cleaning it
up later today. See Matrix for a preview I put together by just editing the
in-browser HTML. Also let me know if you don’t use Matrix at all, I just thought
I’d send you a message since you’re on there 🙂.

Timothy, thank you for improvements. Earlier edits in response to various requests resulted in some inconsistencies.

The updated page has

    alt="Install from ELPA"

that likely should be "Install from GNU ELPA". I like that new link leads directly to the Org package at GNU ELPA, earlier version had a link to the site top page.

However Firefox does not show tooltips (unlike for the Librepay link) when mouse cursor is over new SVG images. I have no idea if screenreaders will use value of the alt attributes.

I expect that some fraction of messages at this list will have "[BUG] <short description>" subject literally. Perhaps "&body=..." may be added with a template like "Org version: ___, Emacs version: ___" with a note requesting subject more specific to the particular problem. Some people still will not read it.

An unrelated to the latest changes question. What is the supposed way to reach https://orgmode.org/manual/Feedback.html from site main page (to become aware of M-x `org-submit-bug-report'?

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