On 27/09/2022 11:31, Jude DaShiell wrote:
Having examined 13.10.2, with the polyglossia package installed and
accessible to orgmode putting set-language into the right place would
default to English and other languages would need to specify their
language for a pdf export.  On Linux I have espeak-ng running as default
and I run orca as necessary.  I mostly live on the command line so orca is
used rarely.
I think a reasonable test of export quality will be to make a pdf with
orgmode then run that pdf through pdftotext and compare the extracted text
with the pdf file.  I can't do that since without use of pdftotext the
screen readers will not work on pdf files.

At first I expected that you may use some proprietary screenreader software, e.g. some plugin to Adobe Reader.

Could you, please, provide a tiny example of your Org file with just a couple of lines of text and with settings relevant to export? It would be helpful to get an example of minimal LaTeX file that allows to generate a PDF file that has metadata that you expect to get and the PDF file or at least output of pdfinfo, pdffonts.

There are still enough of uncertainties:
- What TeX engine do you use? E.g. for PdfLaTeX it may be necessary to add \usepackage{cmap} immediately after \documentclass. Unicode engines like LuaTeX likely do not require such trick. - Is there a reason why you are using polyglossia? Juan Manuel on this list says that (if I have got it right) babel is superior nowadays. - There may be some LaTeX-related specifics for particular language after all.

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