
disclaimers: my nationality is dutch, although I am living in France since 1987
and I don't use org-mode clocking.  I have the following remarks:

The real translation of "headline" into Dutch is "kop" (close to the German translation), but if "headline" should be understood like "heading" then I would recommend "rubriek" translating back in English as "column" (in a newspaper). I like "rubriek" better than

"Clock summary at" could be translated as "Klok overzicht op" in case a date follows.

Best regards -- Gerard

On 27.11.2022 01:06, Ihor Radchenko wrote:

We have the following translations for clock table column names:

;; FIXME: translate es and nl last string "Clock summary at"
(defcustom org-clock-clocktable-language-setup
  '(("en" "File"     "L"  "Timestamp"  "Headline" "Time"  "ALL"
"Total time"   "File time" "Clock summary at")
    ("es" "Archivo"  "N"  "Fecha y hora" "Tarea" "Tiempo" "TODO"
"Tiempo total" "Tiempo archivo" "Clock summary at")
    ("fr" "Fichier"  "N"  "Horodatage" "En-tête"  "Durée" "TOUT"
"Durée totale" "Durée fichier" "Horodatage sommaire à")
    ("nl" "Bestand"  "N"  "Tijdstip"   "Hoofding" "Duur"  "ALLES"
"Totale duur"  "Bestandstijd" "Clock summary at")
    ("de" "Datei"    "E"  "Zeitstempel" "Kopfzeile" "Dauer" "GESAMT"
"Gesamtdauer"  "Dateizeit" "Erstellt am"))
  "Terms used in clocktable, translated to different languages."

As FIXME states, we at least need to translate "Clock summary at" to
Spanish and Dutch.

Contributions for other languages are also welcome.

P.S. I am taking this opportunity with an easy help request to see how
many people would be interested to contribute non-code.

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