Max Nikulin <> writes:

> Perhaps it is better to keep current behavior with error by default
> and just to recommend [...] a user is experimenting with sqlite
> features.

This is exactly the case where the user SHOULD use

#+PROPERTY: header-args:sqlite :db <FILE>

to avoid mistyping <FILE> across their SQLite blocks.

[Hence, defaulting to ":memory:" would NOT hurt.]

Org is primarily about INTERACTIVE use, not batch processing, so I think
it would make sense to match the usefulness of the official INTERACTIVE
SQLite shell, which defaults to in-memory for good reasons.

"Thinking is a momentary dismissal of irrelevancies."
-- Richard Buckminster Fuller, 1969

Rudolf Adamkovič <> [he/him]
Studenohorská 25
84103 Bratislava

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