Confirming fixed. Thanks!

PS A new issue arises however caused by
which is that it is now confusing  to get the {{{results(=value=)}}}
macro without verbatim which is what :results drawer meant in
that context. I expect that change will break things for a number
of people beyond myself. A bit of reading the code revealed that
setting :wrap t makes it possible to get {{{results(value)}}} again,
but line 2647 [1] seems to indicate that drawer is an expected
and valid value for inline :results.

           ((or (member "drawer" result-params)
            ;; Stay backward compatible with <7.9.2
            (member "wrap" result-params))
            (goto-char beg) (when (org-at-table-p) (org-cycle))
            (funcall wrap ":results:" ":end:" 'no-escape nil
                 "{{{results(" ")}}}"))

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