>>>>> Juan Manuel Macías <maciasch...@posteo.net> writes:

    > Max Nikulin writes:
    >> I recall some tricks with \footnotemark and \footnotetext, but I
    >> do not remember details and whether it may work for section
    >> titles.  Complications may arise if a heading title has several
    >> footnotes.

    > ox-latex has 'org-latex--delayed-footnotes-definitions': "[...]
    > This function is used within constructs that don't support
    > \footnote{} command (e.g., an item tag). In that case,
    > \footnotemark is used within the construct and the function just
    > outside of it."

    > The \footnotetext/\footnotemark option works well for specific
    > cases, but in general I don't like to abuse this method.

    >> Perhaps it is better to avoid footnotes in titles and to add some
    >> phrase to the body instead.

    > That is the ideal scenario. I also believe that footnotes should
    > be avoided in section headings, if possible. Or at least, have
    > another type of numbering (symbols, letters...). The manyfoot and
    > bigfoot packages allow constructions of this type, with various
    > footnote apparatus.

Indeed, but many journals *require* footnotes in titles, especially for
affiliation, email, etc.

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