Hi Tassilo,

Tassilo Horn wrote:
>> It may has been introduced by one of my latest commit. Could you load
>> org-agenda.el (not compiled) and give me the full backtrace (in
>> private)?
> Sure, here it is.  There' nothing private in it, so we can stay on list.
> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument integerp nil)
>   substring(#("  Diary:      St. Patrick's Day" 0 2 (org-category "diary" 
> tags nil org-highest-priority 65 org-lowest-priority 67 time-of-day nil 
> duration nil effort nil effort-minutes nil txt #("St. Patrick's Day" 0 17 
> (fontified nil org-heading t)) time "" extra "" dotime time fontified nil 
> org-heading t type "diary" date (3 17 2011) face org-todo) 2 14 (org-category 
> "diary" tags nil org-highest-priority 65 org-lowest-priority 67 time-of-day 
> nil duration nil effort nil effort-minutes nil txt #("St. Patrick's Day" 0 17 
> (fontified nil org-heading t)) time "" extra "" dotime time fontified nil 
> org-heading t type "diary" date (3 17 2011) face org-agenda-diary) 14 31 
> (org-heading t fontified nil org-category "diary" tags nil 
> org-highest-priority 65 org-lowest-priority 67 time-of-day nil duration nil 
> effort nil effort-minutes nil txt #("St. Patrick's Day" 0 17 (fontified nil 
> org-heading t)) time "" extra "" dotime time type "diary" date (3 17 2011) 
> face org-agenda-diary)) nil)
>   (concat (substring x 0 (match-end 1)) (format 
> org-agenda-todo-keyword-format (match-string 2 x)) (org-add-props #(" " 0 1 
> (done-face org-agenda-done undone-face org-warning face org-todo date (3 17 
> 2011) type "diary" todo-state #("STARTED" 0 7 (fontified nil org-category 
> "uni")) priority 1002 org-hd-marker #<marker at 11277 in uni.org> org-marker 
> #<marker at 11332 in uni.org> help-echo "mouse-2 or RET jump to org file 
> ~/repos/org/uni.org" org-complex-heading-regexp "^\\(\\*+\\)[         
> ]+\\(?:\\(TODO\\|STARTED\\|DELEGATED\\|IDEA\\|DONE\\|CANCELLED\\)\\>\\)?\\(?:[
>   ]*\\(\\[#.\\]\\)\\)?[   ]*\\(.*?\\)\\(?:[       
> ]+\\(:[[:alnum:]_@#%:]+:\\)\\)?[        ]*$" org-todo-regexp 
> org-not-done-regexp "\\<\\(TODO\\|STARTED\\|DELEGATED\\|IDEA\\)\\>" 
> mouse-face highlight dotime time extra "" time "" txt #("St. Patrick's Day" 0 
> 17 (fontified nil org-heading t)) effort-minutes nil effort nil duration nil 
> time-of-day nil org-lowest-priority 67 org-highest-priority 65 tags nil ...)) 
> (text-properties-at 0 x)) (substring x (match-end 3)))
>   [...]
>   org-agenda(nil)
>   call-interactively(org-agenda nil nil)

Side question: how do you do to see a really full backtrace?

My backtraces always are elided with ellipsis inside the lines...

Best regards,

Sébastien Vauban

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