Dear Org users,

I am pleased to do the first announce of neo, which stands for "No Emacs
Org". The goal of this project is to provide a full implementation of
Org usable in Python.

Current features 
  - Org file parser
  - Agenda builder
  - Todo-list builder
  - Custom todo keywords
  - Command line interface for agenda and todo-lists

  - Read-only (no org file modifications support)
  - No drawers parsing
  - No exporters
  - No formaters parsing (like ==, //, ** and so on, it will wait for exporters)
  - No filtering support

  - Filtering based on tags
  - Write support for changing todo keywords
  - Capture action in the cli
  - Exporter for HTML

Ideas of possible applications 
  - Command line interface
  - Web applications (for GTD like, or even a wiki)
  - Batch export on a server without emacs
  - Integration with others tools (like vim)
  - Qt/Gtk user interface

This is not a release (I need to do more tests, and add some
documentation), but more a request for comments, ideas or possible
improvement. You can fetch the sources with

  darcs get

and have a look at the repository on

The package can be installed with the usual Python tools (python build/install). Then launch the command 'neo' to see the help (or
simply launch neo in the sources directory).



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