  I have another problem which I fail on resolving.

Let's say I have a org file

#+FILETAGS: work

* Do something at work
* Do something at the internet    :internet:

and another file:


* Do something at home            :home:
* Do something at the internet    :internet:
* Some other untagged task


I'd like to have two agenda views:

1. should show things I can do at work and internet and untagged tasks
2. should show things I can do at home and internet and untagged tasks

I fail with defining custom agenda views. I've browsed google and already tried: - org-agenda-filter-preset - but that seems not to support "or" (maybe I'm missing something?) - org-agenda-skip-function - which I found googling around - with regexp like '(org-agenda-skip-subtree-if 'regexp ":work:")' - but that seems not to support "inherited" tags.

I'm using latest git checkout org and emacs 23.3.1 on windows.

Thanks for any tip


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