Hi all,

I've found that this has come up in the past, with no real solution.
I have found a workaround though.

First the issue at hand:

Beamer allows for setting the background image by setting setbeamertemplate *outside* of the frame environment:

#### begin tex src snippet
% preamble

{       % by enclosing it in a tex environment
        %the background is set only for this frame

\setbeamertemplate{background canvas}{


}`      % end tex env

#### end tex src snippet

A quick look at org-beamer.el makes me think that there is no infrastructure in place that accounts for enclosing each frame in its own tex environment, although I think that would be trivial. Less trivial for me is what kind of structure should be in place that inserts the code before the frame.
A property for sure...

Any thoughts on this ?

Anyway, the workaround is using the "wallpaper" package and set the beamer background canvas to nil:
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=}

then in org:
* my slide title:
\ThisCenterWallPaper{1}{myImage.jpg} % first argument is scaling

But, a solid Org-beamer implementation like described above is preferred...

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