suvayu ali <> writes:

> You can try (untested):
> #+LATEX: { %}
> * This is a frame
>   The commented out closing brace is important. Otherwise the exporter
> gets confused.
> #+LATEX: }

This will not work as it is by definition inserted between 
like thus:



I think it it possible to write a function that prepends
"{\myfunction..etc "  and appends "}" to the frame environment.
For the time being a property like "BEAMER_BG: myfile.jpg" could be
harvested and transformed into:

\setbeamertemplate{background canvas}{


The latex code could be a bit more elaborate and the image placement
attributes need some automagic, but as a proof of concept, this will do.

I do think I need a little help with this though, as I have no clue
about org's inner workings. 
But let's take it one step at a time, like how does one harvest the
"BEAMER_BG: myfile.jpg" property ?


Me thinks: 
You have an unusual equipment for success.  Be sure to use it properly.

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