Jambunathan K <kjambunat...@gmail.com> writes:

>> It does seem that you are, for now, letting them be within org-mode
>> (your other mail). But it would still help if you express your
>> apprehensions and discuss them openly on this list.

1. I had a test.org file that I had created for testing the
   exporter. Now this file was simply thrown away because it seemed it
   was inappropriate to him.

   Any caring maintainer would not throw away a fruits of labour without
   a moment's reflection. Even if he felt that the test.org is in the
   wrong place, he could always SAVE it in whatever suitable place he
   deems fit.

2. Look at another interaction where is showing his total lack of
   awareness of how software development happens. He ignores my
   suggestion and tops it up with a tangential reply. To add more
   amusement to the whole thing, the changes were non-backward
   compatible and broke Orgmode Homepage.

   This particular amuses me because I have taken enormous pains to
   maintain backward compatibility in org-xhtml.el changes.

,---- See http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2011-07/msg01294.html
| > ps: I would desire that any changes to org-html.el also need to be
| > ported to org-lparse.el and (or) org-xhtml.el.
| (Can you take charge of this?)
| This is the main reason why having duplicate code in this area is a
| burden.
| I still think our energy will be better spent by progressively adding
| things from org-xhtml.el to org-html.el, feature by feature.  This is a
| lot of (possibly boring) work, but being lazy now will just make it even
| more difficult later.
| In any case, working on porting changes from org-html.el to org-xhtml.el
| isn't the right direction.
| Let's keep up the good work!

3. I have a body of work queued up for review and he picks up a variable
   name and comments on it.


   I am a professional programmer of 10+ years and in my experience only
   fresh college graduates pick up the way the variables are named and
   subject it to serious scrutiny.

4. Sometimes I resent when he indulgently comments on Nicolas Goazious

5. Has anyone noticed this: He commiting a fix and reverting it or he
   immediately re-fixing a just committed stuff. No this doesn't happen
   once in a blue moon.

Nothing I list is a serious error. But put everything together, I get a
picture of a person who is holding the maintainership and falling
seriously short of the role he is expected to play.

There is a limit to person's patience. I am pouring all out because he
called me "frustrated". Honesly who in his right mind would dare call a
serious and committed contributor as "frustrated".

I hope after all these discussions he understands once and for all that
Lennart Borgman has ZERO code in all the three files org-xhtml.el,
org-lparse.el and org-odt.el.

I hope he brings some insight in to review process.

Jambunathan K.

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