
John Hendy <jw.he...@gmail.com> writes:
> I don't get any error, but it doesn't work. Also, the example in worg
> had an extra parenthesis at the end of it... not sure if that's
> goofing it up. I don't know lisp, so I just deleted one of the last
> parentheses and loading my .emacs stopped complaining. Not sure if
> that last trailing one was the offender or not. In any case, this is
> not working for me on an up to date org install (pulled yesterday).

Perhaps you are trying a TODO heading that doesn't have one of the
progress indicators? 

I have just tried it, and with TODOs headings as follows works OK. If
you don't put the progress indicators then it doesn't work, since the
function is looking for the 100% text or for n/n (which indicates that
you have completed all the tasks).

* TODO try [%]

* TODO try [/]

Actually, I wonder why this is not the default behaviour. It looks
natural that if a task is made of checkboxes and you complete all of
them the task should be DONE.

Ángel de Vicente

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