On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 6:41 PM, Nick Dokos <nicholas.do...@hp.com> wrote:
> John Hendy <jw.he...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> ,---
>> | Note that the code requires that a checkbox statistics
>> | cookie be present in order for it to work.
>> `---
>> I had no idea what that meant and thought it was just reiterating that
>> you actually need checkboxes for this to work. Now it makes sense.
>> Even inserting "(a statistics cookie is [/] or [%] in the parent todo
>> headline)" would make it crystal clear.
> The manual refers to them as "cookies": searching the index for either
> "statistics" or "cookie" takes you to section 5.6 where they are
> described.

Alright, alright... I should have rt[f]m :)

> But you should feel free to add the appropriate words: Worg (as you
> know) is editable, and if you found it confusing, somebody else will too
> (nudge, nudge). But I beat you to it in this case: thanks for the
> suggestion and also for noticing the extra paren as well. OTOH, if you
> don't like my verbiage, feel free to change it!

I will do this :)

> BTW, I don't agree that this should be default behavior (as Angel, I
> believe, suggested): whether an item is done may be a matter of checking
> boxes in some cases, but not always - for myself, I would like to
> maintain the ultimate authority of declaring something done and not to
> relegate it to mere code (is that provocative enough? :-) )
> In addition, the function slows things down (every time you
> check a box, the function runs), it makes a few assumptions about the
> environment (todo states, statistics cookies), and I certainly would not
> trust it to DTRT all the time: it would need hardening.

I don't use it, so I don't really care, but I get what you're saying.
I think it should be opt-in. A todo might have *some* things that
you'd like to keep track of with checkboxes, but the task as a whole
might have some other requirement and thus shouldn't really be done
until the user decides.

I'll add a link in the FAQ pointed at the manual section about those
this weekend.


> Nick

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