I hope my occupation is not the reason for the "no response" to my question and comments two weeks ago.

Charlie Millar

On 2/28/2012 2:28 PM, Charles wrote:
I use a few tags and usually two or three will apply to all entries in a particular file, e.g. :work:Client:OpenFile: or :Personal:Home:

All my tags are in my .emacs using the org-tag-alist and I want to use these consistently.

Is there a way to access org-tag-alist from the in-buffer settings #+FILETAGS or #+TAGS? C-c C-c, of course, refreshes the local setting; C-c C-q gives an error(?) message "Before first headline at position 1 in buffer . . ."

At the moment my work around is: start the file's first line with *<spc>#+FILETAGS, then C-c C-c, and after setting tags delete the *<spc>.

My system is Windows 7 (home Premium), emacs, org 7.8.03

If I have overlooked something obvious or easily researched, just say so and I'll continue looking for the answer.

BTW, I'm a freelance paralegal. Amongst other uses, a few months ago I used org to draft a contract (from my notes kept in the org file), then exported to LaTeX, then to pdf to print the final draft.

Charlie Millar

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