
Thank you. I'll give it a try.

Charlie Millar

On 3/13/2012 2:48 PM, Nick Dokos wrote:


Charlie Millar On 2/28/2012 2:28 PM, Charles wrote:
I use a few tags and usually two or three will apply to all entries
in a particular file, e.g. :work:Client:OpenFile: or :Personal:Home:

All my tags are in my .emacs using the org-tag-alist and I want to
use these consistently.

Is there a way to access org-tag-alist from the in-buffer settings
#+FILETAGS or #+TAGS? C-c C-c, of course, refreshes the local
setting; C-c C-q gives an error(?) message "Before first headline at
position 1 in buffer . . ."

At the moment my work around is: start the file's first line with
*<spc>#+FILETAGS, then C-c C-c, and after setting tags delete the

Have you tried a setup file?
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
#+TAGS: one two three
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

and the "real" file is:
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---

#+TAGS: foo bar baz

* two
* four
* three                                                                         
* one                                                                           
* five                                                                          

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp

| one      |
| two      |
| three    |
| :newline |
| foo      |
| bar      |
| baz      |

everything plus :newline (whatever that is).
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---


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