John Hendy <> writes:

> I've only ever used src blocks to make plots or create files to
> include. I have my first opportunity to actually try and include both
> code and results and have a question about spacing. You won't have my
> data, but this is pretty simple stuff.:
> #+begin_src R :session basic :results output :exports both
> nrow(data)
> #+end_src
> #+begin_src R :session basic :results output :exports both
> nrow(
> #+end_src
> I split them up because I wanted the results like so:
> Code-A
> Results-A
> Code-B
> Results-B
> If I kept them together, it came out Code-A, Code-B, then Results-A, 
> Results-B.
> Anyway, the LaTeX output is creating the following:
> \begin{verbatim}
> nrow(data)
> \end{verbatim}
> \begin{verbatim}
>  [1] 681
> \end{verbatim}
> \begin{verbatim}
> nrow(
> \end{verbatim}
> \begin{verbatim}
>  [1] 455
> \end{verbatim}
> This gives really, really spaced out results. I'd prefer output that
> looks more like an R terminal output, which can be done by not putting
> code and results in separate verbatim blocks. Is this standard
> spacing/behavior or is there an option/exporter tweak I can use on
> this? It just ends up taking so much space.
> I'm super new to this and barely know anything about the header
> arguments at all. I will say I was thrilled to find out about the
> :session option. I was worried about "walking through code" because I
> rely on initial block results to carry through to the others. What do
> you know? There's a way to do that :) Thanks for this wonderful
> implementation. I've seen it come up on the list hundreds of time and
> have to say it's really cool actually getting to work with it!
> Best regards,
> John
Hi John,

One way to do this would be to redefine the verbatim environment in
LaTeX.  There is a fancyvrb package for LaTeX that might help with this.

I think a better answer to your query has two parts.  

1) Make Org-mode distinguish your code and results, instead of having
them both be verbatim environments.  One way to do this would be to use
listings or minted to typeset the source code blocks: see

Then use :wrap foo to wrap the results in a foo environment.  

2) Configure LaTeX to typeset the new environments in a way that pleases
you. LaTeX specifies for each environment the space to leave before it
and after it.  You should be able to set these so the results please
you.  Here is one example for how to modify the results block:
Note that this was written for an earlier version of Org-mode, before
results blocks were stored in drawers.  Instead of "results" use "foo".

You'll need to consult the listings or minted packages to configure one
of them.

In effect, you will be taking advantage of LaTeX's semantic markup.

Thomas S. Dye

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