On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 10:29 PM, Thomas S. Dye <t...@tsdye.com> wrote:
> John Hendy <jw.he...@gmail.com> writes:
>> On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 6:35 PM, Thomas S. Dye <t...@tsdye.com> wrote:
>>> John Hendy <jw.he...@gmail.com> writes:
>>>> On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 4:32 PM, Thomas S. Dye <t...@tsdye.com> wrote:
>>>>> John Hendy <jw.he...@gmail.com> writes:
>>>>>> I've only ever used src blocks to make plots or create files to
>>>>>> include. I have my first opportunity to actually try and include both
>>>>>> code and results and have a question about spacing. You won't have my
>>>>>> data, but this is pretty simple stuff.:
>>>>>> #+begin_src R :session basic :results output :exports both
>>>>>> nrow(data)
>>>>>> #+end_src
>>>>>> #+begin_src R :session basic :results output :exports both
>>>>>> nrow(nonzero.data)
>>>>>> #+end_src
>>>>>> I split them up because I wanted the results like so:
>>>>>> Code-A
>>>>>> Results-A
>>>>>> Code-B
>>>>>> Results-B
>>>>>> If I kept them together, it came out Code-A, Code-B, then Results-A, 
>>>>>> Results-B.
>>>>>> Anyway, the LaTeX output is creating the following:
>>>>>> \begin{verbatim}
>>>>>> nrow(data)
>>>>>> \end{verbatim}
>>>>>> \begin{verbatim}
>>>>>>  [1] 681
>>>>>> \end{verbatim}
>>>>>> \begin{verbatim}
>>>>>> nrow(nonzero.data)
>>>>>> \end{verbatim}
>>>>>> \begin{verbatim}
>>>>>>  [1] 455
>>>>>> \end{verbatim}
>>>>>> This gives really, really spaced out results. I'd prefer output that
>>>>>> looks more like an R terminal output, which can be done by not putting
>>>>>> code and results in separate verbatim blocks. Is this standard
>>>>>> spacing/behavior or is there an option/exporter tweak I can use on
>>>>>> this? It just ends up taking so much space.
>>>>>> I'm super new to this and barely know anything about the header
>>>>>> arguments at all. I will say I was thrilled to find out about the
>>>>>> :session option. I was worried about "walking through code" because I
>>>>>> rely on initial block results to carry through to the others. What do
>>>>>> you know? There's a way to do that :) Thanks for this wonderful
>>>>>> implementation. I've seen it come up on the list hundreds of time and
>>>>>> have to say it's really cool actually getting to work with it!
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> John
>>>>> Hi John,
>>>>> One way to do this would be to redefine the verbatim environment in
>>>>> LaTeX.  There is a fancyvrb package for LaTeX that might help with this.
>>>>> I think a better answer to your query has two parts.
>>>> Thanks for the input!
>>>>> 1) Make Org-mode distinguish your code and results, instead of having
>>>>> them both be verbatim environments.  One way to do this would be to use
>>>>> listings or minted to typeset the source code blocks: see
>>>>> http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-latex-export.html#sec-12.
>>>>> Then use :wrap foo to wrap the results in a foo environment.
>>>> So... foo could be verbatim or something like that shaded example in
>>>> the worg tutorial above? I'm thinking the code and results would still
>>>> be in different environments when the PDF is generated, right? You're
>>>> just suggesting that I put them in an environment that doesn't insert
>>>> so much white space?
>>> You'll probably have to create a LaTeX environment that doesn't insert so
>>> much white space.  Best to do this with a new environment, rather than
>>> redefining one of the existing LaTeX environments, IMHO.
>>> The white space problem is something to correct at the LaTeX step, after
>>> Org-mode has wrapped the blocks in semantically meaningful environments.
>> I took a look at this and have managed to modify that example to tweak
>> the R blocks. How do I pick up the results, though? LaTeX is still
>> putting them in verbatim and I don't see how the listings package
>> could know what Org-mode babel is doing as it's not really "source
>> code" at that point in some sort of language?
>> Also, yes, I didn't have org-special-blocks enabled, hence it not
>> allowing me to create custom #+begin_... blocks.
>> Thanks!
>> John
> Hi John,
> Yes, you're right, listings won't touch the results.  To have Org-mode
> put the results in an environment of your choosing, do this (note the
> :wrap keyword):
> #+begin_src R :session basic :results output :exports both :wrap foo
>  nrow(nonzero.data)
> #+end_src
> This should give you
> #+BEGIN_foo
> ...
> #+END_foo
> If you also have lines like this, then you should see something in the
> pdf file.
> #+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{framed}
> #+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{xcolor}
> #+LaTeX_HEADER: \definecolor{shadecolor}{gray}{.95}
> #+LaTeX_HEADER: \newenvironment{foo}{\begin{shaded}}{\end{shaded}}

Ahhh. Now I get it. That's brilliant! Why can't we just have =:wrap
foo= apply to the source blocks as well? That would solve all my
problems :) For a simple tweak, it seems much easier to have universal
syntax like :wrap vs. having to define language specific
listings/minting options to make this work.

On the other hand, I think I get the benefit listings/minting have for
those who do this a lot more than me. Set it once, then forget it. For
someone who just likes to tweak the look of all source blocks
though... a :wrap argument would be fantastic -- set it on a
per-document basis in Org and you're set.

Sincere thanks for your explanations and assistance!


> All the best,
> Tom
>>> hth,
>>> Tom
>>>>> 2) Configure LaTeX to typeset the new environments in a way that pleases
>>>>> you. LaTeX specifies for each environment the space to leave before it
>>>>> and after it.  You should be able to set these so the results please
>>>>> you.  Here is one example for how to modify the results block:
>>>>> http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-latex-export.html#sec-10-2.
>>>>> Note that this was written for an earlier version of Org-mode, before
>>>>> results blocks were stored in drawers.  Instead of "results" use "foo".
>>>> It will take me a while to figure all of this out. I don't know either
>>>> of these packages!
>>>>> You'll need to consult the listings or minted packages to configure one
>>>>> of them.
>>>>> In effect, you will be taking advantage of LaTeX's semantic markup.
>>>> Thanks again! I'll have a look into this this week.
>>>> John
>>>>> hth,
>>>>> Tom
>>>>> --
>>>>> Thomas S. Dye
>>>>> http://www.tsdye.com
>>> --
>>> T.S. Dye & Colleagues, Archaeologists
>>> 735 Bishop St, Suite 315, Honolulu, HI 96813
>>> Tel: 808-529-0866, Fax: 808-529-0884
>>> http://www.tsdye.com
> --
> T.S. Dye & Colleagues, Archaeologists
> 735 Bishop St, Suite 315, Honolulu, HI 96813
> Tel: 808-529-0866, Fax: 808-529-0884
> http://www.tsdye.com

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