Michael Albinus <michael.albi...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Nick Dokos <nicholas.do...@hp.com> writes:
> > See
> >
> >     http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/62963
> I've seen that.
> > It was a weird setting of the variable ``temporary-file-directory'' in
> > Neil's Macport setup, plus the assumption by tramp that that setting was
> > valid for the remote - that turned out to be a bad assumption. Not sure
> > it's worth it for tramp to provide a way to customize that, but that's
> > your decision :-) AFAIAC, /tmp should be a universal standard.
> I don't believe it is a weird setting of `temporary-file-directory'. It
> is a valid value for OS X, AFAIK.
> And "/tmp" isn't a universal standard. For example, it doesn't work,
> when your local machine runs MS Windows.
> The patch in Tramp I have mentioned tries to distinguish between local
> and remote temporary directories. I would like to know, whether this
> works correctly for org-mode, or whether there is still an issue.

OK - thanks. Sorry for the noise.

Trying-to-get-foot-out-of-mouth-ly yours,

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