Neil Best <> writes:

> tramp-version
> "2.2.3-24.1"
> emacs-version
> "24.2.1"
> Looks like I should upgrade tramp.  I will look into that.

Emacs 24.3 is in pretest, it contains Tramp 2.2.6. This might be another
option. See <>.

> I think if I restart emacs it will be upgraded to some minor, minor
> release, so maybe that took care of it already.  Fat chance?

Sorry, this I don't understand ...

>> Btw, I don't use org. For local tests, what shall I apply in order to
>> execute the code in #+BEGIN_SRC  ... #+END_SRC?
> I should mention that my source code block got mangled when I tried to
> post through Gmane.  It should look like this:
> #+BEGIN_SRC sh :dir /midway:~
> echo "Executed by `whoami` on `hostname` in `pwd`"
> Just go into Org mode, move the point within the block, and hit C-c C-c.

Thanks, I will try to reproduce your problem locally.

Best regards, Michael.

PS: it's on my wishlist for a long time to learn org-mode. Maybe I have
a chance now.

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