On 01/04/13 13:08, Vincent Beffara wrote:

Yes, I mean, I know which html you need for that, simply within o-blog you need 
to manage between relative paths, absolute paths, canonical paths and so on in 
the template, to match the right section,  - mainly it should be a matter of 
let-ing the right variable to the right value at the right point in the 
template and catching it when generating the toc, but I never took the time to 
get it right ...
I've also just found this, which uses Org only as a markup tool and
Jekyll to generate the site:

I had a look at the too, but it felt just a little bit too convoluted compared 
to managing everything from Org. Besides, it seems to lose fontification of 
code snippets and the like?


As the original author of that page, I agree that using Jekyll is convoluted, but it gives you much more control. However I now use Pelican: https://pelican.readthedocs.org/en/3.1.1/

There are a few reasons for this. Pelican is written in Python, which I find easier to hack on. It is more flexible than Jekyll, which I found hard to get to work the way I wanted with categories and tags.

I wrote a yaml importer for Pelican so I could use my old jekyll posts. However, Pelican understands Markdown, which I think the new exporter supports.

So my work flow now is Emacs-> export as html -> run Jekyll


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