Hi Nicolas,

I finally updated to the latest master branch at work yesterday to move
to the new exporter and found the following change I don't know how to
deal with.

My org file has

#+OPTIONS: tasks:todo

This globally skips DONE tasks in my exports when I export the entire
file in both the old and new exporter.

If I select a task with C-c @ that is DONE (or any done state) and try
to export that in the new exporter I get nothing (except an empty table
of contents) -- even if the Org buffer is narrowed to only that task.

The old exporter would export this anyway but it seems the new exporter
is honouring the global #+OPTIONS: task:todo even when it is outside the
currently narrowed buffer range.

There is no local property that I am aware of to say export all todo
states. I have to list them individually which isn't user-friendly so I
can't reverse the global setting with a local property in my
task/subtree.  Having to add a property for my exports for email just to
get it to override global options really isn't user-friendly since the
options per file are different and the user has to know exactly what to
undo (and future changes to the global options makes this a moving target)

Is this a bug?  My current workaround is to delete the global #+OPTIONS
line (but that doesn't feel right since I have to add it back to export
what is left to do for the entire file when sharing it with others).  I
regularly export small subtrees (with C-c @) to copy ASCII / HTML export
results to emails so the old exporter behaviour was much more
predictable in the results I would get when using C-c @.

So far the move to the next exporter has been very easy.

Great job!


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