Nicolas Goaziou <> writes:

> Hello,
> Bernt Hansen <> writes:
>> Is this a bug?
> No, it isn't.
>> My current workaround is to delete the global #+OPTIONS
>> line (but that doesn't feel right since I have to add it back to export
>> what is left to do for the entire file when sharing it with others).  I
>> regularly export small subtrees (with C-c @) to copy ASCII / HTML export
>> results to emails so the old exporter behaviour was much more
>> predictable in the results I would get when using C-c @.
> The new exporter distinguishes between subtree export (toggled with C-s
> key within the dispatcher) and region export. In the old exporter, C-c @
> + export command would give you a subtree export. This is not the case
> in the new exporter. You have to explicitly mention you want a subtree
> export. On the other hand, you don't need to select a region beforehand.
> In other words, you don't trigger a subtree export anymore with C-c @
> (but it triggers a region export).
> If you export a subtree in the new exporter jargon, you can override
> locally #+options: line by setting top headline's :EXPORT_OPTIONS:
> property to an appropriate value, e. g. :EXPORT_OPTIONS: tasks:t.

Thanks for the clarification!  I'll give it a whirl :)


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