Suvayu Ali <> writes:

> Unfortunately this is a problem with most of the desktop specific
> *-open commands.  Take a look at this post from emacs-devel (thanks to
> Glenn for pointing me to it):
>   <>
> Essentially, running xdg-open asynchronously will not work for Desktop
> Environments that use gvfs-open (Gnome, Unity, Mate, etc).  From the
> looks of it, exo-open (XFCE) also suffers from the same problem.
> That said, it would be nice if Glyn could try it on KDE for the sake
> of completeness.  As per the emacs-devel post, kde-open should work.

Yes indeed - I just gave the elpa release (091620013) a spin on KDE and
both pdf and html files open nicely. 

Many thanks



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