Hello Alexander,

Thanks for your attention.

that is strange.  I cannot remember doing something else besides putting
the mentioned code into my init file.  I can only think of these
"trivial" reason why this does not work for you:

- Did you evaluate the code or restarted your emacs?

Yes, I killed emacs (daemon) and restarted it. How do you evaluate (reload) ~/.emacs from emacs running?

- Are the files you are editing somewhere under /home/js/?

Yes: in /home/js/DropBox/orgmode  and then /home/js/.emacs

- Did you really edit and save a file since adding the code to your init

- In case you are editing files under version control: Did you turn on

None of those files are under version control.

I have done this on two computers - at work (the earlier message) and home.


J.H. Spies - Tel. 021-982 2694 / 082 782 0336 / 021-808 4699(w)
             Posbus 4668, Tygervallei 7536

     "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil,
      and he will flee from you."          James 4:7

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