Hi Alan,

alan.schm...@polytechnique.org writes:


> I would like to have a read-only version of my calendars in my org
> agenda. These calendars (10 of them) currently live in Zimbra and
> iCould, and I am accessing them both using the native Calendar
> application on OS X and on my (Android) phone.
> I've looked at what the options are, and I can find two of them:
> - convert ics files into org files 
>   (http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-google-sync.html)

I'm using the scripts from Eric S. Fraga from the above link since
several months and I'm very happy with them.

The only drawback that I have noticed is, that the frequent messages
~Reverting buffer `gcal-termine.org'~ are sometimes in the way in Emacs'
echo area.

Best regards
Michael Strey


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