I want to use org-mode as a (tea) database.

What have I done:

1. I have wrote down a tree of shops/orders/brands
2. I defined COLUMNS for Column View that give me a score per shop list

What do I want as result:

1. give me a list of scores for the shops [DONE]
2. give me a list of scores for each brand [TODO]

is there a way to group together Tea brands to give each Brand a Score
(how I liked it)?

below are the data I used (the scores are just random test-data):
(sorry the field names are german mostly)

* Tea Database
   :COLUMNS:  %Shop(Shop) %Bewertung(Bewertung){mean}
** Tee Kampagne
   :Shop:     Tee Kampagne
*** Bestellung 1
**** Tee 1
    :Sorte:    Pussimbing
    :Bewertung: 1

*** Bestellung 2
**** Tee 1
    :Sorte:    Pussimbing
    :Bewertung: 5

**** Tee 2
    :Sorte:    Steinthal
    :Bewertung: 7

** Teeblätter Versand
   :Shop:     Teeblätter Versand
*** Tee 1
    :Sorte:    Pussimbing
    :Bewertung: 6
*** Tee 2
    :Sorte:    Steinthal
    :Bewertung: 8
*** Tee 3
    :Sorte:    Risheehat
    :Bewertung: 9

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