Hello friends, 
I just discovered org-agenda-diary-entry, which is a terrific command to 
streamline my planning process as I move away from using the raw diary file. 
But it lacks a feature that is key to my usage: it conveniently creates a diary 
item in my configured org file and sticks a time stamp on it; but I need to be 
able to edit that time stamp to add an hour to it, so I can plug it into the 
details of my day. It (I would assume `C-.' ) ought to work the same way C-d or 
C-s does on an agenda entry, allowing you to change and refine the 
deadline/schedule time of the item. But search as I might, this doesn't seem to 
be implemented yet.

 Also, it doesn't really seem to play nicely with adding deadline or schedule 
to the same item, as you will end up with multiple agenda entries on the same 
day for the same item (with the generic timestamp being the least useful of 
these entries). Is there a use case for this, or is it as redundant as it looks 
to me right now? 

Thanks; org-mode is awesome. 
- Tory

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