(Tory S. Anderson) writes:

> Hello friends, 
> I just discovered org-agenda-diary-entry, which is a terrific command
> to streamline my planning process as I move away from using the raw
> diary file. But it lacks a feature that is key to my usage: it
> conveniently creates a diary item in my configured org file and sticks
> a time stamp on it; but I need to be able to edit that time stamp to
> add an hour to it, so I can plug it into the details of my day. It (I
> would assume `C-.' ) ought to work the same way C-d or C-s does on an
> agenda entry, allowing you to change and refine the deadline/schedule
> time of the item. But search as I might, this doesn't seem to be
> implemented yet.

You can change the timestamp from the agenda with ">".

,----[ (info "(org) Agenda commands")
| ‘>     (org-agenda-date-prompt)’
|      Change the timestamp associated with the current line.  The key ‘>’
|      has been chosen, because it is the same as ‘S-.’ on my keyboard.

> Also, it doesn't really seem to play nicely with adding deadline or
> schedule to the same item, as you will end up with multiple agenda
> entries on the same day for the same item (with the generic timestamp
> being the least useful of these entries). Is there a use case for
> this, or is it as redundant as it looks to me right now?

See the following variables:



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