Hi Alan,

Alan Schmitt <alan.schm...@polytechnique.org> writes:

> A suggestion could be to allow any text inside the markers, except for
> the marker itself which would need to be escaped. Escaping could take
> the form of doubling the marker:
> ~"foo bar"~ --> "foo bar"
> ~"foo ~~ bar"~ --> "foo ~ bar"
> As I've not thought this through, I'm pretty sure someone will find a
> huge flaw in this suggestion.

Well, the huge flaw will never be obvious with such solutions...
because the flaw is precisely this: it hides huge flaws.

(Do not bother parsing the above, I'm not sure myself.)

FWIW here is my gut reaction: I'm not a fan (euphemism) of escaping
here, I feel like it adds little value while bumping complexity too

But exploring it might be worth it, if someone wants to try!


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