On Sunday,  4 May 2014 at 09:38, James Harkins wrote:
> I finally finished a draft (attached, and not carefully proofread yet)
> of a new worg page to outline what I had to do for a big Beamer
> publishing project. 

Interesting and very useful document.  Thanks!

> Could somebody look it over and advise of any
> formatting problems? I guess it should be basically OK; I copied the
> standard worg header, and I stuck to normal org markup throughout.

The only thing I would suggest is changing H:2 to H:3 as your 3rd level
headings are being converted into bullet list items.

> A specific formatting question: I have several source code blocks with
> captions. The captions are formatted exactly the same as normal
> paragraphs. Will worg use a different CSS style for captions? If not,
> what do I have to do to make it do that? (At least, display the
> captions slightly smaller.)

The HTML code produced by the normal HTML export, which is what I assume
Worg uses, has the captions as special label classes (org-src-name) so
CSS could easily be defined if not there already.
: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.2.6-923-g233c11

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