James Harkins writes:

>> The HTML code produced by the normal HTML export, which is what I assume
>> Worg uses, has the captions as special label classes (org-src-name) so
>> CSS could easily be defined if not there already.
> Let's assume I'm an HTML idiot (which is true...). Is it really true, 
> according to [1], that the only way to add this CSS class definition is to 
> put it in a separate file and link it? It seems to be the only *documented* 
> method.
> [1] http://orgmode.org/manual/CSS-support.html#CSS-support


This is the bit of [1] that you were looking for: "You could also
directly write a <style> </style> section in this way, without referring
to an external file."

Like this:

#+HTML_HEAD: <style>org-src-name {color: blue; }</style>

(I haven't gone back over the discussion to see what you want to do with
captions, so coloring them blue is just an example.)

You can also use multiple HTML_HEAD lines, e.g.:

#+HTML_HEAD: <style>
#+HTML_HEAD:  p {text-indent: 1em; line-height: 150%}
#+HTML_HEAD:  p.footnote {font-size: x-small}
#+HTML_HEAD: </style>

...but if you have more than a few of those, you *will* want to put them
in a separate file and link them.


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