+1 to the OP.

On 2014-06-12 at 13:32, Thorsten Jolitz wrote:
> In a tree structure, when ignoring the parent node, it seems only
> logical that the siblings are ignored too.

I'm found myself in all of the following situations: 
  1. I want the heading and everything below not-exported
  2. I want the heading not-exported, but the content exported. 
     1. I don't care if the sub-headings are kept or moved up a level
     2. I do care - I want the sub-headings to remain as-is.
     3. I do care - I want the sub-headings to be promoted.
  3. I want the heading and the heading-level content not-exported, but
     sub-heading and their content exported

> You seem to use the wrong tool for the task (headlines), this looks
> like a perfect use case for TAGS, i.e. define your (concept) groups as
> tags. If these tags are not part of `org-export-exclude-tags' they
> won't affect exporting, but you can still use them to build your
> agenda or a sparse tree or so.

A simple example where tags don't work, nothing to do with agenda. Some
paper formats (Nature, for example) do not allow headings or
sub-headings. It is just 2 pages of text. But it is certainly nice to
write the paper and organize thoughts in sections and sub-sections. This
is case 2.0 above. Each heading is tagged ":noexport" and it is not
exported, but the content (text, figures, lists) below the heading is
exported. I'm not sure how tags would help here, other than the tag of

Another common (for me) example is to have a heading called "* Appendix"
in a paper, and then the LaTeX "\appendix" command. The Org heading is
just for me. It should not be exported. All headings below the \appendix
command are Org sub-sections but should be promoted to \section in the
final document.


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