El Mon, 13 Oct 2014 10:42:28 +0800 Eric Abrahamsen va escriure:
> >
> > This is the bit I'm not sure about...
> >
> > * project_a
> > ** experiment about blah     :proj_name:theme:
> > [2014-10-11]
> >
> > Did x, y, and z today. Will analyze results tomorrow.
> >
> > [2014-10-12]
> >
> > Wow. Interesting finding. This will help a lot and may be relevant to
> > future projects!
> >
> …
> Perhaps both links and tags are what you're after then: you could leave
> a link to the general finding inside "experiment about blah" (to remind
> yourself you took that note), but also use the tags to open Agendas on
> both project and theme, so you can see all the relevant information in
> one place.

> > * project_a
> > ** experiment about blah     :proj_name:theme:

  I think it's crazy to use topics as tags. How many topics/themes are there? 
Wikipedia counts many million. Names of topic are very subjective. Topics are 
often mixed, split apart, refined, renamed, grouped in supertopics, …
  In org it's easy to remodel hierarchical headers but it's not easy to remodel 
tags (much less, hierarchical tags).

  So rather than:

** some construction          :plastics_engineering:

  I would have:

* Plastics
* Houses
* …

  I understand you use tags and „tag search“ to be able to look for bits of a 
particular topic in a file which is not related to the topic.
  It would be better to have a tag that in addition links to a particular tree. 
With that you'd have the freedom of tagging anything and the flexibility of 

  Some brainstorming about how to link tags with headers: Two options:

1) There is a main tag in a header, and the other tags link to it (with C-c C-o 
you navigate to the main tag).

** some construction          :plastics_engineering:

Engineering.org:          :<<<plastics_engineering>>>:
* Plastics
* Houses
* …

2) You use links and you ask for backlinks

** some construction [link to P]

* Plastics
  :ID: 1231212311122
* Houses
* …

And then… a key to *search for links to a header* („backlinks“). Can org do 
this now?.
E.g. you go to „Plastics“ and you search „all the backlinks found in 
proj1.org“. Then you have the generic knowledge and in addition all the bits of 
specific knowledge about that topic.

Maybe this is already possible… Whether it's useful, I don't know.

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